I finally was able to get in touch with the right people from the office of admissions at Emory Law. For the last week or so since withdrawing, I've been under the impression that I'd have to pay back the scholarships I'd been given over my three semesters there. That was kind of bad news, cause the total would have been some 30,000 dollars. I was 90% sure or so that I'd have to pay it back.
But today I found out that I don't have to pay it back after all!
If I ever decide to go back to Emory for some reason, I won't be eligible for the scholarship, but that's ok. That's an unlikely event at best, and 30k should go a long ways towards paying for the undergraduate prerequisites I'll have to take again.
In unrelated news, I also got a cell phone. It's shiny, slides open, and has a red back. It makes me happy. ^^;