It's been over a month since I made my choice to head out of law school, and enjoyed all the excitement that came with that. It will be over a month before I'm able to start real work towards my goal now (volunteering in a hospital, shadowing a neurologist... what have you), and it will be even longer before I'm able to start taking the courses I need (registration for the summer session isn't even open for another few months). As far keeping busy setting up my move goes, that's all pretty much finished now as well, apart from the actual work of packing things into boxes.
So the excitement seems to have slowly faded, being replaced piece-wise with the reality.
It's scary, because the more I look at 4% acceptance rates, the more I realize what a tiny tiny number that is.
On the upside, my cold has finally completely left me so I've managed to start running again. Exercise will be a good way to kill some spare time - certainly a more healthy way to spend it than to worry about events that are several months off and, for now, outside my control. I'm also going to start getting myself up earlier. There's something that feels unhealthy about sleeping in past noon on a regular basis, and I'd like to put an end to it. I'll start just with 11:00 am. That leaves plenty of time to sleep, but gets through that mental issue of waking up in the pm. I'll push it back earlier later, but this should be a good start.