Monday, January 26, 2009

Moving Out

After all this time, I finally get to say goodbye to Atlanta. I'm getting my internet/phone/cable cut off tomorrow, and leaving the day after. I don't know how long it will take the movers to get to my new home, or how long it will take to set up my internet there, so this might be my last post here for a few weeks.

It's exciting to get out of here, and carry on with my project. That's been tempered a bit due to some personal stuff that's left me feeling really down the last week or so, but I'm not going to get into that here. Suffice it to say that there's never been a better time for me to have a clean break and a fresh start, if such things are really possible.

Once I manage to get my new apartment set up, I'm thinking of changing the way posts are set up on this blog to something more point by point. I don't know exactly what, but it'd probably involve lists. Especially lists of goals, so we can tune in regularly to see how well (one hopes) I'm progressing. A goal I haven't met yet has been waking up earlier... I'll give that a try again after the move.

Anyways: all my other belongings are boxed up, and it's time for my pc to join them. I'll see you guys in DC.