As I started organizing a study plan for Calculus I got pretty excited - the book I have splits it up into 76 little lessons, and as it turned out there were 75 weekdays between this coming Monday and the start of my course. One lesson a day: perfect, right? Well... kind of. It should have been, at least.
Apparently, I have to take the placement test to take the class. I have no real objection to that on its own - but it seems likely I'll have to take it before registration (March 30th I think), rather than simply before the course begins.
That's completely ridiculous.
A placement test now isn't going to give any accurate measure of where I could be, should be, or would be with 4 months of reviewing as I had planned.
I can't really dwell on that though, because there's nothing that can be done to fix it. So now instead of a lesson a day Monday through Friday, I'll be trying to get ~4 or 5 done, every day of the week. With luck, I can do enough to pass the placement test. That's still not good though, because cramming for things like this won't help me remember it for when I really need it - the course itself - which won't start for months after I have to take this test. As I said, ridiculous.
It needs doing though, otherwise there's no good alternative. I could take the precalculus class in the first summer session, but that would be a waste of ~3000 dollars. I'd rather not. Or I could not start courses until the regular academic year, but then I'd loose the advantage of being able to use this class to determine whether I should start down the path towards medical school or towards nursing.
Off to start cramming then.