So, I haven't posted in awhile, mostly since nothing has happened. I've been waiting on hearing back in regards to that interview and, until today, was having no luck. I was getting pretty close to giving up on that job working out even, which had me feeling like I'd undergone a large setback. I haven't been studying much for my MCAT either, because while it's rescheduled in September I'm supposed to have a shoulder surgery in Late July now, and am skeptical I'll be able to study well at all around that time because of the painkillers that will no doubt follow the operation. That in itself isn't a huge deal, since I'm not able to apply until next summer regardless of when I take my exam, but it got me feeling like I'd suffered a second setback as well.
At any rate, today I finally did get in touch with the HR people. It seems certain my interview is still on, to be scheduled at some point in July. I should have a more specific date in July within a few weeks. So it may have taken awhile, but good news has finally come through. Better news is that it looks like I can start the job part-time, and then opt to turn it into a full time job if I ever get the desire. I probably won't, especially since my theoretical site of work is so far away, but it's something I might want to think about after I take the MCAT.
I'm going on a few short trips in the near future as well, so probably not too much is going to go up here until I'm back. With any luck though, once I'm back and through my surgery, I'll have some interesting things to talk about again.