The first Calculus test is coming up on Monday the 13th. So far, everything seems to be going well. At least, that was the case until Tuesday's class, when I completely blanked once we started covering delta-epsilon proofs. I didn't understand a single thing - math with more letters than numbers scares me.
I've really been working on it since that class though, for the last 48 hours or so, and I had a breakthrough this morning. I get it now. Mostly. I think. And I was really proud of myself for managing to push through that (if I actually have). I'm not good at it, but it would be nice to know that you can just manage to force through things if you have enough stubbornness.
Anyhow... the first test is this coming Monday, and it's fairly important. Between that and my (more or less) free 20% from homework, roughly 50% of my grade in the course will be determined by the end of the day. If I manage to do spectacularly well on this test, I'll be able to do quite poorly on the next two (in the range of 60%...) and still reach some form of a B in the class. On the other hand, if I do spectacularly poorly, I can pretty much put an end to all my MD plans right now - especially given that the next two tests will only be harder.
Anything in between will keep me in suspense and in frustration.