In a fortunate stroke of luck (and, probably, our teacher taking pity on some of the summer students who didn't do so well on the first exam), our second test is a take home. It was handed out today, is due on Monday, and there's not really any limits on what we can do (beyond working together on it).
Some of the math here I'm a bit behind on, and that could have been problematic if this were given as a real test. With 72 hours to work on it though, and an open-book policy, I can't imagine myself doing worse than a 90%. Honestly, I really should get a 100%: not doing so would be mildly embarrassing.
That pretty much means 70% of my Calculus grade will be 100% after this, with nothing between me and a decent grade other than the final (which won't be a take home). A 67% or so on the final will give me an A- in the course. (I could fail the final - badly - and get a B-, but I don't think anything less than a B+ is really acceptable for what I'm trying to do).
This is doubly awesome because I spoke with the pre-med advisor today, and learned that I only have to take this one Calculus course. A second semester of higher Calculus won't be required, so I'm almost in the clear as far as math goes.