I'm still sick. Wow.
Anyways. Exams are getting closer, so I had to come up with a plan of action. I decided to take a cue from mid-terms, where the lesson was that I could have benefited more from extra studying of chemistry rather than working endless hours on physics for a minimal return.
I think I can study Physics a ton between now and the exam, and there's still a very good chance I'll do badly (or not well enough to guarantee an A- w/o a curve, which might very well give me an A- anyways). If I work on Physics a lot, and didn't get an A-, I probably wouldn't have had the time to work much on Chemistry. Chemistry is easier, but isn't getting any curves. So that could put me in a situation where I'm not getting an A- or better in either course. I'd much rather work on Chemistry hard now, get my A in that, and then see if I can get an A- in Physics from a hopeful curve despite having a mediocre final.
The Chemistry exam is coming up first also, so doing well on it will get me in a nice state of mind. And studying Chemistry doesn't panic me like studying Physics does. I was thinking I'd fail Physics for a long time - at this point, it looks like a B+ is fairly likely even if I do badly on the final, and I'm almost guaranteed to not do worse than a B. A B would be bad, but I'd be pretty happy with a B+. It's worth keeping that in perspective.
The Chemistry exam is this coming Tuesday, so I have five more days to get 100% set for it. I have to work on three chapters, plus some general review of earlier stuff. I think I can manage that, if I do a chapter a day. Then I'll have two days before the Physics exam, so I can still get in "some" preparation, and hopefully not end up with a zero on that exam.