Today I found out that I got a 66% on the Physics Final.
Ok. It's a D+. It's an awful grade. It's still better than I thought I did, by a little bit. More importantly, It's over 50%. My grade in Physics is pretty much guaranteed to be a B+ now, with a very small possibility of an A-. I probably won't find out which of those two it is for another day or two.
Either outcome is completely, perfectly, amazingly satisfactory for me though.
Now - that final grade is basically inflated (as I was talking about in the last post). Not by means of a curve, but by means of offering make up quizzes, a lot of take-home homework points, effectively free points from the lab section, etc.
I'm absolutely, postively, clearly not a B+ or A- student in Physics. And that's a serious problem.
It's a problem I'll have to address for the MCAT.
Until the MCAT though, a B+ or A- in the course absolutely keeps me in the running. So let's hope I can do as well, or preferably better, next semester. And, more importantly, let's hope I find a way to step things up in time for the /real/ test I have to take. For now though, this is a great result for me.