Monday, January 18, 2010


This first week saw me already fall behind, because of some non-academic commitments I made to take care of people's dogs while they were out on a fancy cruise to somewhere far away from me, and the freezing temperatures/snow that decided to become my best friend. It's nothing too serious - you can't fall behind by /that/ much in one week, and they're back now. I'm more or less caught up after this weekend anyways, since I got to spend today (Martin Luther King Day) studying up more.

That said, I think it's time to look at commitment. Getting by on an A/A- seems great. It would have seemed fine with a B+ too, probably. But in reality, it's just not. It's pretty bad, too much material didn't stick with me, and you can only get carried so far in life by being somewhat "above average".

If I'm serious about this, and I am, I need to start taking everything much more seriously. I shouldn't have free time, because free time is just another way of saying "time I could be using on physics". Chemistry looks like it's going to be more difficult this semester too, although still I doubt it will trouble me like Physics does. So.... down-time needs to get /radically/ stripped away, if not entirely tossed out the window. I need to work on living this stuff until I'm flawless at it, or have spent all of my time attempting to become such. I need to get started thinking seriously about my MCATs, and about this coming Summer.

And I very much plan on doing all this.

As far as my teachers go, I think I'm more or less happy with them. The physics teacher is probably not quite as good as my last one, but she seems just fine nonetheless. It's a bit off-putting that she's about as old as I am though; it definitely makes me feel self conscious and slow. My chemistry teacher seems much better than the last one though (and is pretty old too, so I guess the age thing balances on the whole).

I don't really know who my lab partners are yet. I have the same TA in Chem lab that I did last semester, which is great, and the TA in physics seems decent enough.