What could be more natural than getting sick? Yep - I managed to get sick again. Hopefully this one won't stick around for over a month again, but really, who knows. The snow is almost as bad a problem. My car can't move on that at all, which means I either have to wake up /super/ early tommorow to walk to class in the dark, in snow, and sick, or I have to miss yet another session: neither option sounds like a smart choice, and I have no clue what I'll do.
Tests are coming up too. Slowly, but surely. The first Physics test is going to be in a bit under two weeks. The material seems a bit more managable than last semester, but I'm pretty sure we won't get any re-tests this time around, so that more than balances it out. Chemistry should be having a test around that time as well.
In Physics, someone else joined our lab section, so being in the only group of three I had to leave my old partner and join her. She seems nice, although the two of us aren't really on top of the Physics ball, so to speak.