Got back the cell biology test today, and was (pleasantly) surprised to have an 88%. It's not a great score or anything (mean was an 84%), but I was expecting something in the low 80s, or even in the 70's. I guess all the multiple choice questions I thought I was probably right on, but wasn't positive, ended up swinging things in my favor. All in all, I could probably keep an 88% exam average in this course and end up with an A for my final grade, if I keep getting A's in everything else.
Great bit of news that took away some stress (although I still have to find a way to do another O. Chem lab report tonight...)
Anyways, the big problem is still that O. Chem exam on the 5th. I'm still behind there (although have been working hard to catch up lately). If I somehow manage to pull off a good score on it, I think I'll be very pleased with where things stand at that point.