Time flies. Somehow I managed to get so little done this weekend. Before I knew it the first three days were up, and I'm spending the fourth one right now working on my O. Chem lab report. That qualifies as keeping up, assuming I get this finished, but it certainly doesn't count as catching up.
It's cause I went out on Friday, which was fine, but ended up having a few drinks more than I should have after dinner. Which kept me from doing anything other than feeling the pain of an awful headache on Saturday. Lesson learned? Going out and doing stuff with people is bad...
Well. I still think I'm in a fixable spot right now. I might not be up to speed with Organic Chemistry just now, but it seems so neat to me. The way the shapes of the molecule fix everything, and set up every reaction, and how all the different functional groups you draw on are responsible for everything... it's hard to describe, but it's kind of artsy, almost. There's something I find really fun about it. Hopefully that good attitude can transform into some sort of good understanding in the near future. We shall see.