Friday, January 21, 2011

MCAT Review... and Postponement?

I finally got my MCAT review book in the mail. It looks like a great book from the glance I've given it. It has good 150-250 page reviews for bio/gen chem/o chem/physics that are pretty clear and succinct (as far as a 200 page review could be), and should be a much better way to study than trying to wade through 400 page books on each topic instead. It also has an online thing I can access, with 4 practice MCATs, extra review stuff, etc. - and little monthly diagnostic quizzes that track your percentages, your time spent answering, and everything else.

Should be helpful, and assist me a lot in studying.

I'm thinking more seriously about pushing back my test from April to May now though. There's so much on it, and I'm very much not convinced that I'll be ready this April. Especially if I want to put in a good amount of time to studying Organic Chemistry for my tests there (I do), and to working in my lab (I do). There's no way to be sure... still a good bit of time between now and then.... but I don't want to make myself take the test early out of principle and do badly. I think as little as that one extra month could make a pretty big difference; a difference worth applying later in the cycle for.

One of the things that I'll have to check for is if I can still take the MCAT at the same location at the later date. I'm pretty sure I'd have to take it at an 8:00am time, which is awful, but if it's at the same location would still be close and familiar. Don't really want to wake up at 4:00 and have to go out to the middle of nowhere to take the test at 8:00am though, if it's not still open around here.