Friday, October 23, 2009

I Don't Remember The Last Time I Failed A Test This Badly...

Possibly because it's never happened.

Didn't have time to finish ~25% worth of the test, score wise. Of the parts I did finish, I know I didn't get it all right. I expect my final score to be somewhere around a 50%. Possibly worse, with a minuscule chance of being slightly better.

Oddly, I'm not as upset as you might think I'd be. Whether that's because I saw this coming a long way off, because I worked as hard as I reasonably could have, am pretty sure at least half the class failed as well, or am simply in denial, I'm not sure.

What's most upsetting is that I have to somehow find the motivation to convince myself to study for next week's Chemistry test now. If I bomb that test, things are kind of pretty much over. If I do well though, I'm convinced "something" will happen with Physics. I mean... I just can't imagine a class giving over half the students failing grades. It doesn't seem possible. I don't know.

I just have to try and get myself caught up on Chemistry over this week.