Well, I'm looking into a new option now - getting to work with a local rescue squad on ambulances with paramedics and such. It sounds really exciting, and would be a great opportunity to do something useful, fun, and interesting.
As always, there's a catch - they want you to be able to devote 2+ years to it (which is reasonable, since it takes most of one year to earn the various certifications you need).
Given that I'm hopefully heading off to medical school in 15 months, that's a problem (that seems to be a problem with everything I find....)
I sent an e-mail saying that my preference would be to go to medical school here in DC (which is sort of true, if you ignore my pipe-dream of Vanderbilt). If I did that I'd be in the area for well beyond 2+ years but, of course, I can't guarantee being admitted into a DC area medical school (the numbers, in fact, suggest I have very little chance at it: I didn't go into that).
There's nothing to do but wait for their reply, I suppose. I'm not optimistic, but it would be neat if it did work out.
In other affairs, I'm still just studying for my Bio test. It was a bit cool today, but the pool opens and it should be 90 and sunny tommorow - I'm looking forward to getting through at least one chapter there.