Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sick Already

Physically that is: not of my courses.

Universities are some kind of fetid breeding ground for disease, especially when the new freshman class comes in, and I managed to get the flu in my first few days. Right now I'm thinking I'm going to take tomorrow off to get better and get a chance to start waking up earlier more gradually (last week didn't work well, trying to wake up earlier suddenly. I'd have no sleep, and then crashed when I got back home from my courses, so when night came I couldn't sleep again).

It's annoying missing a class this early. If it was later at least I wouldn't mind the time off, but right now time off is the last thing I'm really looking for. Nothing to it but to make sure I get lots of work done at home tomorrow, to balance it out. Then if I can manage to start getting up earlier naturally and fall in some kind of rhythm, it might be for the best.