Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Catching Up

I didn't get quite as much work done the other day as I'd been hoping, but I did get to go over the chapter from the class I missed in a lot of detail and feel like I'm pretty up to speed there, despite the absence. The bigger problem is organic chemistry, which I meant to spend some extra time with but didn't.

That's not an uncorrectable problem - some effort this weekend can easily get me feeling good about that course at this point. I've just got to make sure I actually do the work this weekend. I'm sure I've said it before, but I have a terrible tendency to put off work that isn't officially required. In a course like this where nothing is technically required beyond showing up and taking two tests, its a pretty slippery slope if I start falling behind early on. It should help that next Monday is a holiday, effectively giving me a four day weekend to catch up.

I was also able to change lab sections, for organic chem. That's great news, because I get to take it with the TA I had for both sections of gen chem last year.