Monday, October 4, 2010

Not Looking Good

Well. The O. Chem exam is tomorrow. It's not looking too good, but not for lack of studying. I've studied at least six hours every day this last week, apart from today. I spent today trying to rush together an O. Chem lab report that's also due tomorrow. The lab report is, I can say with authority, awful.

The test will probably not go well. There's too much I only kind of understand. It's not like Physics, where I just wasn't getting it. I'd get it here if I had another empty week or so. That's not happening though. I'm going to get up early and go over everything another six hours or so before the exam tomorrow. It's not stylish, but will be fresh in my head, at least. If I'm a bit lucky, I'll do well enough I'll have a chance to fix things by doing well on the next test.

Doing well on the next test will take a different approach, I guess. Because this one week of heavy studying before the exam approach didn't really pan out. It would probably be better to just spend 1 hour or ninety minutes a day on it, but to manage to do that every day.

Keeping me from taking that reasonable approach is the fact I have another test coming up next week in Biology, and I'm far behind in that since I've put all my time into this lately. So..... it looks like I'll have to bounce back doing the same thing, and not getting great results anywhere.

And more jury duty.