Two-hundred and thirty-five dollars? Really? Fun. And I'm probably not even going to be ready for the test in time. I officially signed up for the MCAT this morning around 5:30 am though - I'll be taking it on April 29th at 1pm in a fairly pleasant spot not /too/ far from my home. The time and location work out nicely, if only I could actually be ready to take it.
Apparently the information I got about dates was slightly off too - registration opened up a bit earlier in October. Looks like I signed myself up early enough that it wasn't a problem at all though. Would have been stressful had it been, however.
The last day to reschedule this test is April 12th. I believe. Mostly by way of future reference to myself in case I want to. But I guess I'm going to try and find a way to get it done. If it doesn't work, I'd still have time for one more MCAT this application cycle, if I really wanted to. Or I could take it next year. Neither option sounds fun, so I'll try to find a way to get set up for this.
Other tests.... I have another of my mini Bio tests today. Surprise surprise, I'm not ready again. I don't feel any less ready than last time though so.... I don't know. I'm not expecting too much out of myself in that class at this point. Keeping my grade at an A- would be nice. A B+ might happen, and I'll deal. Will depend on lab (where I /still/ haven't got my report back). I've honestly got to say I'm disappointed in myself. I could go on for a pretty long time about that, and trying to muse about why I'm not actually putting 100% effort into this class. ... Or even 60% effort, honestly.
The other exam coming up is my second (and final, if I do well) organic chemistry exam. It was supposed to be next week originally which would be stressful, with the bio test today and two lab reports due on Tuesday and Wednesday. Our teacher has been MIA on a conference in China however, and I'm fairly sure the exam will get pushed back a week so we can finish covering things. I'll find out later this afternoon, but if it got pushed back a week that would be a huge break. I think one extra week would be enough to get set for it, and if I did well my semester would pretty much be over. I could start getting things in order - whatever it is that isn't.
Edit: And a new template, because it's too cold and fall-like to keep the spring one up any longer. I'm not sure if I'll stick with this one, but it's got warmer colors for now if nothing else.