Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A City's Pulse

So I'm a Starbucks addict. That's nothing new; it started way back in undergraduate school. I feel compelled to give myself at least 3 hours between waking up and being at point A. In those three hours I can take a shower, read a bit, wake up, have breakfast, or what have you. When I have classes at 8:00 am, unfortunately, that means I get to wake up at 5:00 am.

I'd noticed this before, but it struck me today: the Starbucks I go to in DC has /always/ had at least one person there when it opened, other than myself. Usually two or three other people. Today there were five people there, and I then ran into my next-door neighbor walking a dog on the way back in.

Wow. In Nashville or Atlanta, when I showed up to Starbucks at opening, I'd usually be alone, or with one other person.

In the world of relevant updates, Physics is still being hard. I spent all of this last weekend working almost 9:00-5:00 on our Physics HW 1 and our first Physics Lab. The good news is that I got it done, mostly. Thanks to an extra credit problem I'll have an A. The bad news is that it took me two whole days to get done, and even with all that time I wouldn't have had an A without the extra credit. The worse news is that I've been putting so much time into Physics that I think I'm starting to slip in Chemistry now (although I have no grades there yet, so its still just a potential problem at this point).