The quiz-test was returned today, and I got a 69. It's an awful score, but it's better than I was expecting and better than I needed. ... I suppose I'm happy?
I don't know. That class is keeping me really nervous.
For what it's worth, the mean score was a 63, so I actually did above the average. That's still not impressive though...
Our Chemistry test should be returned sometime in the next week or so, and I'm curious how that turned out. It should be better than a 69 at least.
Everything else is just me "keeping up" with the work, mostly. I'm finding it hard to do much extra, because it seems like every day I have a reasonably time consuming project that needs doing to stay on par (a lot of physics home work, a physics lab report, a chemistry lab report, a test to study for...) When I get back from my late labs I'm generally too tired to put in much serious work as well, which doesn't help things. I'm doing what I can though, I think.