Well, I just got the second biology test back and -believe it or not - I apparently got a 100. I'm not quite sure how to explain it... maybe the teacher didn't have enough time and rushed to grade them, maybe everyone else did much worse than I did on the first test and he had to grade this one more loosely to get everything back in balance, or maybe I was being a bit too hard on myself. Who knows.
Either way, this means I technically now have an A in the class. Until our lab final on wednesday, at least. That should knock it down to an A- (because I can tell I'll have issues spotting what veins and arteries are what in a dead rat), which is still a perfectly fine grade to end up with.
Now everything come down to the last test, due this coming Saturday. Hopefully, with a bit of work on it, I can keep an A- for the course. Maybe I can get lucky and manage another 100, and actually end up with a completely unexpected A. This is a very fortunate development.