This Chem test was a bit of an ugly affair. I wasn't good to go until an hour beforehand, literally. Not that I hadn't been studying. I've been keeping up with the work quite well, and started studying hard for this test a few days back. I wasn't getting one of the sections though, so I plugged at it. On. And On. And On. It turns out I ended up deciding it would be worth plugging away at it through the night rather than getting some decent sleep.
So I did that, and made really slow progress. After a certain point, you can't really take any more. So you're reading doing problems for 2 hours, then a break. 90 Minutes, break, 60 minutes, break, until you can't keep focus for more than 30 minutes or so and you're exhausted, have a head ache, and dried out eyes.
Every hour or so though, something would manage to "click", which was super fun. If only that worked in Physics too....
I don't know how the test itself went. It certainly didn't go badly, and I'm sure I came in above that 58% mark I need to take the shortened final, if nothing else. I put down a few answers I didn't have absolute faith in, though, and I was so tired at that point it's entirely possible I may have glossed over a negative sign or something in a problem at one point or another. But overall I think the test went well, and I'm pleased I managed to get everything figured out nicely (even if it took until the very last second).
So what next? Relax and enjoy success? Hardly.
I'm going to crash now, because I can't stay up anymore while getting things done. When I wake up, I'll have to do a ton of Physics work as well as write up Physics Lab I don't understand at all. It'll probably take all of tomorrow night (tonight?) as well, actually. Then on Saturday I have to get a really important Chem lab written up too. After that, I (think) I'll have at least one week without too much going on. I can use that time to figure out the schedule of my finals, and set up plans on how to approach those. Sigh.
Oh well. At least I can be comfortable knowing I'll feel right at home if I get hauled off to Gitmo for questioning in the middle of the night.