Friday, April 30, 2010

And Then There Was One

One test, that is.

Physics is now, if not out of my life forever, at least out of my life for the next six months. Now that's something I could toast to, if I didn't have more serious work just around the corner. It feels wonderful to be done though.

The test itself wasn't too bad. Not that I did well, I'm sure I didn't, but I didn't do any worse than I have on any of the last few tests. I may have done better, actually - even if just by a tiny margin. I don't know if I'll get the specific grade of this test back, or just my course grade, so I'll have to wait and see. Either way, the actual letter grade I'm getting in that course is a crapshoot. It could be anywhere from a C+ to an A-, I think.

Studying less for this test worked well enough. Maybe it's because I finally studied for it by just spamming through example problems, instead of trying to read the book and understand everything. As I was doing that extensively the other day, and as I was going through my old tests, I discovered something. It turns out that while surface integrals and line integrals might be integral to /Physics/, they probably weren't actually necessary for this course.

I mean, we talked about them, sure. And by understanding them you understand how everything is derived - I imagine that would be neat, if you were the kind of person who could understand it.

But just for the very mundane purposes of getting through this class I could probably have skimmed over most of this book - notably every part featuring an integral of every kind - and I wouldn't have had a much worse grade for it. The time saved would probably have got me a better grade, actually. I'd have learned how to "do" problems, without worrying about trying to learn how to "understand" the problems. It's a cheap way out, but I think it worked on this final (to an extent), and it's probably an approach I should have taken much sooner.

The other problem I had with the tests was just managing to sort through things in time. I froze up a bit more than I'd have liked, which led to me rushing things, which led to some mistakes that - in retrospect - were really not necessary.

But oh well. That's enough of Physics, until I find out what I actually ended up with.

I'd love to take some time off, but I have to get ready for that Chemistry final now. Like I said, its two chapters worth of stuff. I'm hoping to work on 1/2 of a chapter later today (happy reward nap first though - that clearly takes priority...), and then 1/2 of that chapter tomorrow. On Sunday, I can work through the last (and easier) chapter. That time table should work pretty well, if I wake up at a reasonable hour today. If not, I'm confidant I can get it all done over Saturday and Sunday, although that runs the risk of cutting it as close as it was on the last test.

The end is in sight though (well.... if you ignore Biology starting up in like, two weeks).