Well, not actually returned, but our grades got posted for it online. It won't be returned until class on Friday. The average this time was 68.7% and, apparently, I managed to get a 67%.
Honestly, I have no idea how I scored that "high". It will be interesting to find out. I'll take it though. At this rate, it looks very unlikely that I'll end the course with anything lower than a B (since the test grades will get curved to push the average up to a B, I believe, and I managed to keep an average score despite absolutely completely horrifically dropping the ball on the last test).
I'm a bit worried about the next Chemistry test. The stuff really is trickier than anything we've been doing so far. It's on April 15th, I believe, so I still have some time. I'll devote a lot of work to it this weekend, I guess. Unlike Physics, I'm still confident that working hard in Chemistry will teach me the material and get me good results.