Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Found: One Blue Lab Manual

Turns out my partner stole it by mistake, and brought it back last Friday. Which was great news, in that it saved my 40 dollars or so. Of course, it stopped me from doing my lab report last week. .... which isn't /awful/, since we get to drop one. It's still annoying, though. I'd rather have my dropped grade be one I didn't do well on for whatever reason than one I simply wasn't able to do through no fault of my own.

Anyhow... remember when I said I couldn't say I got a 100% on that last Chemistry test? Turns out I was wrong. There were two extra credit questions (one of which I got right - both of which I /should/ have got right), and I ended up with a 100% on the dot. Don't let the number fool you though, it's not as impressive as it sounds. The mean was a 90%, and the median was a 95%. So.... all the hundred really says is that I probably placed somewhere in the top 25% or so of the class, give or take (standard deviation wasn't given). Not that that's a particularly bad place to place.

I still haven't gotten the Physics test back, but that one will be simply awful. And what's worse, it looks like this new section we're doing is going to be tougher than the last one. I really need to make myself get through this class. It's the only serious obstacle I have at the moment...