Two hours on Chemistry: eyes need rest.
My two tests are just about up, and I'm not overwhelmingly ready for either. I probably won't get a 100 on either. On the other hand, I probably won't fail either, which is nice. I'm ok with it: I feel like I'm in a great position to get a 100 on the next set of tests that come up if I keep at it like this.
I haven't managed to do all the memorizing for the Physics test, and probably won't given time constraints. Which is a downer. It's also mildly puzzling, because I really have been putting a lot of time into it, and more than keeping up with it. I "get" all of the Physics though, unlike last semester. So I suppose that's what I've gotten out of the extra time spent. I also suspect that a benefit of this extra work is that I'll manage to retain material more successfully.
Chemistry would be fine except that the teacher decided to open with some O. Chem stuff, instead of just not covering it until the end, if then. I didn't ever /really/ get that stuff all down, and it's involved enough I'm discovering I can't get it properly memorized now. I have a good deal of it; it's not like I just don't understand anything, but I needed more time on that /specific/ chapter than I had planned for. How I do on the test pretty much depends on how many organic chem questions are on it, and how hard they are. It was a mistake and poor planning on my part. It's too late to correct now though, so there's not use getting stressed.
It's taken a bit of time to really kick into gear since I tried to step things up. You want to find new/different ways to kill time, and you do. It takes a lot of will to stop that, but things have progressed well. If I keep it up until the end of the year I'm hopeful I'll get good grades again. Then I can take one course during summer, and relax a bit more again. I'll get to study a bit less, and in a bit more relaxed environment, and I can probably pick up some pass-times again. I'll also have a good chance to see exactly how much this extra work helped, or didn't help, and can use that to come up with a better plan on how to balance my time.
After summer, I think I only have Organic Chemistry left. That and studying for the MCATs. The latter is pretty serious, but with only one organized course - and not an intense one like that over summer -even that might feel more relaxed.
I'll definitely need to pick up some sort of medically relevant job/activity/research position again between now and the MCATs, but this particular semester is the only one I think I have to go 100% on, to the point of just dropping all non-studying stuff. ... Until I start medical school, at least.